
The fundamental place in the company

Science is one of the company ‘ s main pillars , along with training.
Through Science KLOCKNER works in three main areas: providing scientific support for its products, product development and bringing innovative products to market.
KLOCKNER ‘ s commitment to science is high, this commitment allows new products to be developed products in a correct way and with the best guarantees. It allows to know the behaviour of the products in the market and test new ones. All of this is possible thanks to the strong collaboration with research groups in different areas of implantology at national and international level. Clearly, this alliance with science is the DNA of our company.

How do we do it?


ESCK KLOCKNER Scientific Committee

The ESCK is a committee of experts led by Prof. Javier Gil Mur and made up of specialists in areas as diverse as Dentistry, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Medicine, etc. All the members of the ESCK are leading national and international experts.

This committee puts forward new ideas, reviews what already exists, gathers suggestions, etc. In short, future options are considered and the behaviour of existing products is evaluated.

When an idea, a need or the possibility of creating a new product arises, the ESCKis responsible for evaluating, designing and coordinating the necessary projects so that the best products with a widely-tested level of quality reach the clinics, and therefore the patients.

The ESCK coordinates the work of other groups linked to it such as: those responsible for literature reviews, statistical analysis and specialist advisers in different areas of treatment. Over time, a network has been created around KLOCKNER, setting out a working philosophy and a way of doing things that allows us to support our products with our own research.

This effort would be worthless if the ESCK and KLOCKNER's RD department were not fully engaged and committed. It is worth noting the close relationship established between the two at the different stages of a product's development.


University Chairs

In order to be innovative, a company must have research as its basis and foundation. At KLOCKNER, scientific research is a fundamental pillar for supporting our products.

KLOCKNER has a close relationship with universities by supporting research groups and PhD projects. This union is at the heart of the company, and it is highly satisfying to see how the research work has a profound and determining effect on the development and manufacture of new products.

For this reason, we are the industry’s leading company in national chairs at universities.


Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya UPC.
Chair Director: José M. Manero Planella.
Research in biomaterials and biomechanics.


Universidad de Sevilla US.
Chair Director: Dr. Daniel Torres.
Clinic Investigation.


Universidad San Pablo CEU de Madrid.
Chair Director: Dr. Manuel Fernández Domínguez.
Research in regeneration and stem cells.


Universidad Internacional de Cataluña
Chair Director: Dr. José Nart.
Research in the treatment and prevention of oral perimplantitis.


Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Chair Director: Dr. David Herrera.
Basic and applied research in dental implants.


Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Chair Director: Dr. David Herrera.
Basic and applied research in dental implants.


Scientific Societies

As a scientific company, KLOCKNER is closely linked to the most important scientific societies in the sector. KLOCKNER understands this linkage in an active way, maintaining a fluid relationship both in training activities and participating in the congresses organized by them and carrying out events of different nature and characteristics jointly.


Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegración
Klockner: Platinum Sponsor


Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica y Estética
Klockner: Official Sponsor


Sociedad Científica de Odontología Implantológica
Official Sponsor


Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal
Official Sponsor


Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial
Official Sponsor